Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Bad Binkie Award: and the winner is...

The Daily Campus at UConn...

It never fails that when someone calls an adult adoptee an "adopted child" they mean to put us in our place. And our place is to serve the needs of others, as A. M. Homes so succinctly and accurately notes in her book, "The Mistress's Daughter". The latest instance of this infantilization is from the editorial board of the Daily Campus, the paper of the University of Connecticut. And that was the straw that broke this bastard's back. You can read a good take on the editorial on Bastardette.

I'm used to being referred to as "an adopted child" by arrogant legislators and by industry hacks, but when a bunch of college punks, the same age as my own kid, tries the phrase on for size like their grand-daddies fedora and over-sized trousers, my tolerance limit has been reached and breached.

So I am starting a new award, a new Hall of Shame, the Bad Binkie Award. Every time some editorial board or state senator refers to adult adoptees as children, they will receive a Bad Binkie. And not just a notice here on this blog, but a real live Binkie, mailed in real time, with a note that will say: "I am no longer an adopted child, so I don't need this pacifier. I've sent it to you as a reminder that I am an adult adoptee and I expect the same rights as all adults."

Come to think of it, this is something we could all do. Send a Binkie to your state legislator with a note that you aren't an adopted child, you're an adult adoptee and YOU VOTE! These guys aren't going to change on their own, they need some nudging....

The address for the editorial staff of the Daily Campus is:

The Daily Campus
11 Dog Lane
Storrs, CT 06268

Ok, "kids", let's get busy!


Blogger Marley Greiner said...

Ohmygawd, BB! This is a fantastic idea. I'm linking this on Bastardette right now.

And be sure to send a Bad Binkie Award to the Daily Tar Heel as well! I just blogged about it's adopted child" editorial.

6:42 AM  
Blogger Lizard said...

I'm thinking maybe the binkie you send ought to be one that has been run over in the street.

Anyway, I'm with you on this.

10:07 AM  
Blogger LDB said...

I love it! My binkies will be on the way shortly. These people evidently have a hard time understanding equal rights.

10:16 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm on it. I will send mine today. It seems North Carolina is bound to be on my "to do" list this week in many ways. I just wrote about an article in the News and Observer. Sigh...

5:37 AM  
Blogger BB Church said...

"I'm thinking maybe the binkie you send ought to be one that has been run over in the street."

Unfortunately I haven't seen any of those lately. Why is it that when you need a run-over pacifier you can never seem to find one? I had to run over to Target and get a bunch...

10:07 AM  
Blogger Attila the Mom said...

Fabulous idea!

1:42 PM  
Blogger Mary Ellen said...

I think the sorely misinformed editorial staff of the Daily Campus has been effectively run over by all the informed comments. After reading the ed and the comments, a student wrote: "Man, I sure hope you don't teach law at this school. This article is shameful. I wold be embarrassed if I were you.
I hope they got their binkies by now.

7:02 AM  

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